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The New Music People of Rock n Roll

On and off stage, despite austerity, a credibly high quality of talent, passionate support and intense drive have created a renaissance for rocking, especially in the independent spaces that inspired Music Venue Trust.

This is at a time when guitar bands are supposed to be over (according to arts critics that aren't at such events). That's OK.

NME (or VO5) went to the Black Honey show. Their "report" is hardly what the likes of Sahera Walker or team Public Pressure are doing. Bands are not a backdrop. We love our diverse ways of life, and it shows.

It's good to see the newer wave rising stealthily to attention (and in the case of Black Honey, the album charts) but is nobody just crazy about gigs, outside of the many scenes and anti scenes under radar? Mad for bands? The answer is YES. Music Tourism is real, people travelling locally and further. It's more than just a live set, it's a sociable adventure.

This could be an exciting time as the grassroots music industry bring fresh flavours to the mainstream party. Image above: TheZineUK FuturePicks, Couples.

The new music people are on a rising reputation circuit devoid of hype but overflowing with promise. A socially inclusive movement blessed with Loud Women, Decolonisefest and Benumu.

Everybody mentioned in this article is a fraction of the tale but has has fingers in multiple pies. They are in it for the right reason - a love of music and a desire to help artists.

"When I started This Feeling twelve years ago, it was borne out of love. It still is. I LOVED going to the NME Brats gigs and finding new music and a grassroots community that was welcoming for all." (Mikey Jonns)

Grass roots have planted the firmest of foundations, especially over the last few years. Importantly, it is being documented by multi media amateurs and professionals (some of which forms TheZineUK picture story).

It feels like we're reaching a tipping point, torn between the extermination campaign against venues, gentrification against communities, the hostile environment, increasing division, extinction -v- rebellion and complete insanity where anarchy has replaced government in a lawless "society".

In the music venues, civilisation reigns supreme. Hence the culling, by The Blue Meanies, of arts education and opportunities for us plebs and the spaces in which communities of all backgrounds fuse.

Bollocks to their hostility, the fertile environment is in full swing. It is proven to reap results, with friendship where finance may not exist.

Image. More mainstream attention for newer wave rock, False Heads in NME.

At the end of 2015, an ArtBeat Amersham Arms night was graced with the #StageStyle of Pirate Treasures (worn by Nova Twins, Lucie Barat and Mourning Birds). Creator, Jane Pirate, now tour managing Trampolene.

In Autumn 2016, I met photographer and talent scouting whizz, Alan Wells (nowadays False Heads crew, as well as visual contributor to many of the engaged new media).

Late 2017; attended Sisteray and The Velvet Hands sold out show at Paper Dress Vintage for Modern Age. New youth powered music promoters who have gone nationwide this year. Kick Out The Jams started staging shows around then, too. The Music People Party 2017 engaged many of the new music industrious.

Though I'm London based, so gig there most, what's happening is far from London-centric. This is a nationwide happening, with different pockets of activity, making for a rich, varied music tourism trail and exchange.

​Earlier this year, I got to meet another Fab; presenter, Louise Schofield of Unique Lullaby (can't help thinking "Lullaby Lou"!) at Sound City in Liverpool.

Now she is teamed with Modern Age (who TheZineUK collaborated with, for their end of 2017 party) and presenting on BBC Radio (among much else).

We are all together again on December 14th for the Modern Age end of 2018 bash at 229.

Before then, it's The Camden Mix Up Volume 4 on Saturday 8th December. (every month packed out, one in, one out noisy fun at The Good Mixer).

Presented by Kick Out The Jams, who just celebrated one year of events that looks like one helluva festival.

KOTJ is bowing out of 2018 in superb style with very (very) special guests announced on the day.

Before that, The Music People Party 2018 will create more new futures at Camden Monarch on Tuesday 4th December. Quite a few of the New Music People are at TheZineUK's events. Hence the event name.

These are all places to be in just one of the collaborative cities - London - for aces and faces.

It's not hip, trendy, exclusive or full of people who are up themselves. We're too skint to be so deluded.

When all the escapism you can afford is a really great gig, with welcoming company, then that's what's going on here - a friendly fusion of all kindsa backgrounds.

(I'm usually channelling frump with a sparkle. Deal with it, ha ha... )

It's Britain.

It's not heaven. It's not perfect. It's still home, though. Most of all, it's a night out.

TheZineUK team is teeming with talent and ideas, this blog a fraction of the action.

More about Zeenagers with an updated site for 2019, soon. Their youthful energy and suss is driving this story to new heights alongside the artists stepping up.

With all the landmark events of the last couple of years especially, word is starting to seep beyond the Jungle Telegraph. Some bands from this tale will step out on stadium size stages next year and a swathe of faves are off to SXSW, Eurosonic etc. The technology side of things is really achieving too. Nobody growing in isolation. Uniqulture is a reality these days.

​The North is a power house of music industrial revolution.

The likes of Beatstream, The Northern Quarter, no end of festivals (independent and otherwise), top photographers, Bands FC, Trashed TV, John Robb (Minister Of Counter Culture), Magic Magid all in the mix of the heritage and artists.

Ireland, The Midlands, Wales, Scotland, The South Coast, The West, The East - all could offer economic hope, if allowed to unite.

It's not as if this freckle of islands don't have a massive reputation (and success) on the world map, despite being only some blotty dots on it. So many of the newer wave are vocal and active in standing up for people and planet.

Pictured above, the Midlands wonderful madlands on the rise. Spring 2017: Birmingham rockers, The Surrenders, win the Pirate Studios competition and find themselves supporting Carl Barat at the launch with This Feeling.

You'd have to sit them down to (try to) remember all what they've experienced since (currently on the Alive Tour 2018 at time of writing).

Although mainstream print media's support for exciting new alternative and guitar bands like these, are gone, this gives a chance to new documentarians.

Their "limited edition to sold out" editions sustain new print from youth who are being advised not to, but are succeeding despite that.

I'm till loving that Strange Bones / Rhona Murphy / Some Might Say cover. There are quite a few poster worthy images. Always good to see photographers repped for posterity.

Music is power

The aforementioned John Robb (an inspiration for TheZineUK, an instigator of very much) is part of Saturday December 1st's MCR Punks 4 West Papua evening of performance and talks in Manchester.

It's an evening of awareness and fund raising for the people of West Papua.

They have endured years of humanitarian rights violations at the hands of the government and military. If you tolerate this, watch Brexitiannia closely, we will be next. Very few tickets left - only £10 - see FB event .

Talking of the world we try to live in; Under siege from gentrification, Deptford (home of the first punk fanzine, Sniffin' Glue) continues it's own rebellion.

A doorway on an estate says "New Punk". It seems fitting for the vibes of New Music People.

The art, the music, the DIY styles, politics, gender / generation clashes all party of it. The support is most appreciated and effective.

Radio play makes all the difference.

From BBC Introducing/BBC Sounds/Radio X, Amazing Radio to an array of independents), alongside streaming.

Household name presenters and local music fans with shows and podcasts are promoting new, ready made classics that would have been 20th Century chart hits.

There is life outside of the Ed Sheeran Charts, if that's what they're called, yet.

Meanwhile. Far from corporate boardrooms, something fresh.

The Music industrious - from all backgrounds - are not to be dismissed as just fangirls/boys with a hobby.

The first industrial revolution wasn't powered by toffs, but by necessity. It went global.

Despite working class being the true elite that the nation falls without, we're still looking to Eton etc. fuckwits to "lead" a nation. Why?

Everyday people have common sense and, despite propaganda as media, still mostly, common decency. Time to fix the establishment empire's cruel and corrupt Eton mess, before the point of no return.

Art is a starting point. Artists. Poets. An education. An economy. A way of life. A DIY cottage industry maker.

We SHOULD make a song and dance about everything. Some people won't get their head out of their arse and take the new music people seriously, but that's OK. The talent will continue their ascent, until they can't fail to be noticed.

The rapid rise of Bands FC, since this Summer (in a world cup year when England were inspirational on and off the pitch for football fans and non fans alike), is totally back of the net. Love their ethics. Poetic souls. A way of life. So much more coming from them in 2019.

Good people CAN win.

Yay for Clash Magazine teaming up with Modern Age, Sisteray and Fifth Floor. Modern Age's SomaFest extends from it's sold out one-dayer to two days/city in 2019.

Big up Vallance Records, End Of The Trail and Cool Thing pouring their hearts into our ears and their stars into the independent charts. Hats off to journalistic journalists, Susan Hansen and John Earls for being familiar faces at shows.

Oh and HOW many of the names in our tale have been popping up on some pretty might support slots this year? Posterity is rich with them, already.

There's more to come, and attention is growing.

I'm vintage, so I remember a time when people in gigs went "ooh, that's so and so from (fill in name of music publication)". Nowadays, the New Music People are starting to be recognised. Audiences make futures. They are the treasure.

Come on Cro Cro Land (April 2019) and DecoloniseFest No.3 in June. Equity for Equality with no loss of quality.

Talking of DecoloniseFest, it was good to see The Guardian recognise, this summer, and (image below courtesy of the 'Pandora' video ) the UK's Monaesque Ms Mohammed's quote picked up.

Maybe if Kenickie time travelled, Lauren Laverne could be playing a gig with them at a Loud Women or Clit Rock event. Aah, BBC 6Music...

Love for Iggy Pop - newer wave instigator, playing Nova Twins, Ms Mohammed, Big Joanie and False Heads on BBC6Music. What a trip!

Benumu will host TicketWeb/Camden Assembly Spotlight Festival events on 12th and 13th January (Couples, Mourning Birds, more). And so it builds. Fantastic to see how many of the above had stages at festivals, especially this year. Potential future stars need to get a foot on the ladder...

Some artists/supporters are Almost Famous. When hot secret, MOSES, headlined Modern Age 229 in October, there was a congregation of mover shakers down the front.

So much love for the talents involving their growing friendship circles in videos, for visuals and out to play supporting their peers.

I repeat: For every music fan, who is weary with the beige new dreary to please get more cheery because you certainly haven't "seen/heard it all before". In fact you ain't seen nothing yet. We mean business.


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