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The Fat White Family at The 100 Club

Fate, omens, or just pure coincidence? You never know whats around the corner in life! Or, who might be sat behind you in your local Soho Thai Restaurant on Wardour Street.

The excitement of knowing I was reviewing the Fat White Family (Fred Perry Sub Culture were the hosts at the legendary 100 Club on Oxford Street). had began earlier in the day. Always good to line the stomach when you know your in for a beer slurping, mush pitting, energetic night!

As I sat in the corner of the restaurant I could hear four blokes chatting and laughing away behind me. I spun around in my chair and enthusiastically said “Are you The Fat White Family?” They all gave me a curious look and said “yes!”. When I said I was reviewing them for TheZineUK, they said cheekily “It better be a good one”.

So boys here we go...

These punksters certainly know how to pull in a crowd, and what a colourful cool following they have. The venue was heaving and you could instantly feel the electricity in the air.

We were treated to a brilliant DJ Set by “In Light Of Aquarius” (Rough Trade Records). The support band ‘Alex Selby PreGoblin’ kicked the night off with a very amusing and entertaining set. Alex is very much a musical maverick who stands out.

With big surges of anticipation from the audience The Fat White Family hit the stage. These likely lads have been on the rise for a while now and their music just gets better and better.

They have mastered the art of engaging with their audience and skillfully turning their set into a melting pot of unique musicians who really get you strutting your stuff! The beer sliding dance floor played host to some fierce Phat moshers!

'Is it raining in yer mouth' really stood out for me. Scratchy guitars, banging drums, deep echoing vocals, chiming tinges and fierce keyboards set this song on a whirlwind spin.

'Special Ape'. Just the title already puts a huge grin on yer face! Distortion and complete rhythmic mayhem send us all into a sea of beautiful chaos and grungy musical arrangements.

'Bomb Disneyland' I definately would with this lot! Upbeat and a head shaker this song has a 60's influence with throbbing vocals/animal sounds sharp beat of the tambourine thumping drum beats and acid like guitars.

The Fat White Family are stars and the attention that stands around them is justifiably deserved.

Photography by Jeff Moh


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