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False Heads, 'Retina' rocking the UK and EU

'RETINA' is a timely slice of rock released on Vallance Records by FALSE HEADS with accompany live dates. "if they came to my town I'd show up for that" (Iggy Pop).

False Heads care about a lot of things. Passionately. This urgency pervades their battle of a live stage show, zapping their growing audience of fans into throwing themselves about like electrocuted puppets. It's been building to a head of steam, especially through 2017 when a smashed guitar zeitgeist occurred in this increasingly unreal, tale. Can all these great bands and stories really be happening? To round off last year, we were chuffed as feck to co-promote at Modern Age Music's End Of Year Party (pic; below)

A parallel dimension has sprung with at least a hundred bands, plus their friend and crews all cross breeding to create a fresh kind of music industry, media and fan relationship; caring for each other in austerity.

Lead track; Retina comes at you swinging bass menace and builds into devil horned anthem chant-a-thon with such hooky verse, rocking chorus, heavy riffs and jump up beats that it's a rock chart smash in an ideal world that ascends into a crescendo of guitar drenched lunacy and is over all too soon.

TheZineUK : Basically, What the f...?

Luke Griffiths (vocals/guitar) : "The song came about through the riff which we based the song around and then the lyrics kinda came out of a weird acid trip, which is a lame as fuck answer I know hahaha but there you go. The tour has been incredible, crowds have been insane and playing with Strange Bones has been a total pleasure. It's been amazing."

(aah, yes, acid trip, that's a better articulation than "guitar drenched lunacy")

In the 21st Century's first Year Of The Guitar Band, False Heads started on the cover of the uber-sussed music mag, 'Some Might Say's "Bands To Watch In 2018" issue. Take a closer look at the DIY music media sector. You'll find they're ahead on many of the best new bands. False Heads have just beat formidable competition, in the independently judged finals of the DIY music site, Northern Exposure's Pirate Studios competition to win a slot at INmusic Festival, in association with EuFest and Musicians Against Homelessness. They will play the main stage in Croatia’s capital city Zagreb by Lake Jarun. The band's year is only going to get busier. The live schedule already looks like this by February.

Feb 23 - Camden Dingwalls, London

Feb 25 - Jimmy's Manchester

Mar 3 - Le Truskel Paris

Mar 31 - Lending Room Leeds June 2- Camden Rocks Festival 2018

June 25 - INmusic festival #13 Zagreb

FALSE HEADS, True Hearts. Just gonna leave this little beauty right here. The band didn't need to photoshop their name on. Just knowing that they will be opening the main stage is enough. Massive thanks to Alan Wells (another of the DIY media ring leaders) for the photos.

Chat Caffy, with many thanks to False Heads, as always xxx


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