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Camden Rocks Festival report.

Camden Rocks. A day of music, mates and surprisingly some great weather! It was also a day that was so successful, that the festival next year shall be over two days (1st-2nd June) instead of just one.

Camden Rocks TheZineUK

During the day, punters walked far and wide through Camden, discovering hidden gems of venues and bands that were soon to become their new favourites.

As there were over 200 bands playing on a variety of stages throughout London's NW1 postcode, a very useful schedule with stage times was provided prior to the festival.

On the day, a free program could be picked up that contained a ‘clash finder timetable’ and a map, meaning that any fears of not being able to figure out where to go were demolished

.Although for the majority of the day, the choice of venues made sense, one question that does have to be asked is, who thought it’d be a good idea to put some of the most raucous bands on in a coffee shop?

Getting into Sisteray’s set at the Crescent Coffee Shop was a struggle to say the least. Strict security on the door was telling the queue outside that it was one-in-one-out, as the venue had reached full capacity, which was unsurprising considering how small the room actually was.

And then Blackwaters happened…

The boys played their biggest hits to a blur of sweater moshers, who screamed back the lyrics and took joy in throwing each other around.

That was until one over-enthusiastic and foolish audience member punched a low hanging light fitting, showering the room in glass, slicing his hand open and covering everyone in his blood. Nice.

Next year Camden Rocks, maybe leave the coffee shops for the acoustic sets?

The one day festival, for some people, is just how they live their every day lives; going to gigs, drinking beer, making friends and having a wild time and it was lovely to see the less experience attendees being welcomed to the scene with open arms.

It's fair to say that at some points things may have gotten a little out of control but this is Camden, a town of rock, a town of punk, and a town of music, can anyone really say it was unexpected?

Early bird tickets for Canden Rocks Festival, 1st-2nd June 2019 available now by clicking here.

Further Images of Camden Rocks Festival for TheZineUK by Lisa Perry


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