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Newer wave rock:

Summer 2017 already feels like the seeds of DIY (r)Evolution as people wake up and smell the fascism.

DO. NOT. STOP. the momentum.

These times can't be trivialised.

(Oh and have some crazy noisy FUN at decibels, while you're at it).

If you can be at London Scala (29th June - 16+ event), Birmingham 02 Institute 3 (30th June - 14+ event) or Manchester 02 Ritz (1st July) over the last weekend of this historic month, then there can not be a more relevant carnage of apocalypse wow rockers united than Cabbage, The Blinders AND Strange Bones.

To witness punk force of supernature moments that will definitely change more than one life (fact), buying advance tickets (fckn bargain for this line up) would be TheZineUK's advice - (please note, Birmingham is sold out, waiting list link, hurry for London and Manchester, then).

Having something to say lyrically, doesn't preclude being full on as fuck entertaining at the same time. These three bands - who genuinely rate each other already - are ALL giving 2017 a proper good seeing to on the escapism front;

Above; Last Summer; Tarquin Clark's image from Y Not? Festival (Jack Rocks This Feeling Stage) was the front page of our story book. This Summer, a new single,'‘Celebration Of A Disease’, is brand newly released and previews a 21st July digital and 25th August physical EP release; In the band's own articulation; "The Extended Play Of Cruelty is our revisited conquest to our pop psychological platitudes. The deceit of man tests all in a moment of clarity and we deliver our position in a long search for Utopia. Our blend of fervent distain is focused on local frustrations, whilst celebrating those who shall rise through the ashes." 1. Celebration Of A Disease / 2. Fraudulent Artist / 3. A Network Betrayal / 4. Ertrinken / 5. Asa Morley

The artwork, though, eh!... (and below that, Sandy K. Moz image from our review of the band's first proper London show, August 2016)

"The Best Band In Britain right now". (CABBAGE) are deservedly coming up fast on the inside lane of the under radar anti-scene. This is the year to catch them at close range.

The Blinders, who have a defining Summer-Autumn release up their sleeves, are currently being announced for a wicked festival appearance every couple of weeks, as word gets out about the "punkadelic" live experience and audience reactions. They play defining golden ticket tours of the year this September / October; The Healing Brexit Towns Experiment Tour with Cabbage and friends, This Feeling ALIVE tour with The Shimmer Band, Bang Bang Romeo and Blackwaters plus, of course, these three shows! As they say; "we're in the hilarious position of knowing our favourite bands as sincere friends. that's pretty nice if you ask me. those bands are, of course, the weird and wonderful CABBAGE and the force of nature that is Strange Bones."

Talking of the latter...

The third corner of this products-of-Broken-Britain musical triangle are the face melting good hearts who gave the world 'God Save The Teen' at the most perfect time ever last Spring, and things really were never the same since. Starting this year as a "Big In 2017" tip, they were recently on tour supporting Frank Turner - and could there be a more relevant response to that unelected Pry Minister than 'Big Sister Is Watching'? (video below)

Far from incidentally, the bottom line about all three bands is that they have cleverly composed rock songs. The fact they all prose dystopian life beautifully and are performed with demonic posession is the kind of bonus that makes tories self combust. If you have a ticket for these shows, then as soon as the doors open, hurry down the front and be part of a show you know you're not gonna forget.

Look out for the after parties! The London one is a doozy, all three liver performing gangs are This Feeling Bands, and with a voluntary donation to Musicians Against Homelessness, just up the road from The Scala is a TF Aftershow zone that is gonna be a free entry free for all funtastica with the infamously generous free JD & coke for the first 50 revellers through the doors!

As you were.


Strange Bones and The Blinders tore The Isle Of Wight Festival a new one, earlier this month on the Jack Rocks This Feeling Stage, to such an extent that both bands have now been newly announced on the line up when the JR TF Stage hits TRNSMT Festival, Glasgow, in July, which CABBAGE are also playing.


Snapshot; Caffy


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