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The Shimmer Band, Bang Bang Romeo, Blackwaters guitar revolution is ALIVE

Video interviews :

Blackwaters, Bang Bang Romeo, The Shimmer Band.

We can not believe the amazing year that these three completely different but complementary potential future main stage star turns have had. Watching one after the other in a packed out Camden venue felt like the start of something new.

What better way to introduce the Nu Britz to 2018’s music story than with this festival express fortnight of rising guitar bands that are about to noise-party their way around Britain.

(red) hats off to Mikey Jonns and This Feeling's extending family of zone rangers for creating a tour that WILL change the future. No, I’m not a fortune teller, just reporting what is already HAPPENING. Adding to Urban Music's 21st century legacy, right now, some of the most sociable socials are also in Rock n Roll. To be included, get involved, click here to snap up tickets to your nearest show. Follow the bands to see what happens next on this magical mystery tour.

The Shimmer Band, Bang Bang Romeo and Blackwaters will be joined, nightly by a fresh pick from the UK's Ones To Watch. The entire bill will have thrilled the pants off this summer’s festival circuit and come ready loved and fan based, to the extent that sussed media who support them, are individually reporting readership spikes. TheZineUK joined some of them at This Feeling ALIVE tour’s launch. Massive thanks to the bands for making time in their busy schedules for a chat. Engaging and entertaining, on and off stage, the newer wave of heritage bands are pumping sex and hugs and rock n roll into culture/uniqulture. Do please listen to what they have to say, and the music that they play, it could really make your day;

Blackwaters (above). It’s been a long time coming, suddenly realised that TheZineUK had caught them developing into a britpunk adrenaline seizure of sonic assault, and not yet done an interview. When you sum up their year, you realise just HOW much has happened already. Big In 2017, indeed...

From one favourite star turn to another, we managed to get Bang Bang Romeo (below) just as new single, ‘Natural Born Astronaut’, is released around the ALIVE tour. We talk exciting new futures, Doncaster and much more. You’ve heard the saying “seeing Stars”, right?…

“Togetherness is gonna be the key word for the album”. Roll on The Shimmer Band debut in 2018. Thank you Tom Newman for letting us kidnap you round the corner just before soundcheck for an interview with Heather Minx. Through extra sensory perception, the rest of the band started playing a song, during the hug, and Tom made it back in time to come in singing on cue. Britain’s got cosmic talent YA YA (UH OH)!

Below, a little taster of what went out as a live stream via Clash Music and Skiddle from the show. If anything shines out from this movement, it is the amount of affection between the friends in and with bands that are the antidote to a lot of what is going on in the world. The likes of False Heads, SONS, Emily Capell, Paves, Judas and so many more artists, DJs, writers, photographers, you name it, congregated because guitars are not dead (well, maybe in Tory HQ), but very much ALIVE. This is also the news;

Above; As Blackwaters soundcheck, Clash Magazine and Skiddle are also setting up the filming equipment, as all three live sets from the ALIVE tour headliners, were streamed live.

As soon as doors open, familiar faces start greeting each other.

The Venue is packed by the time that the first note is played, and only gets more so. Blackwaters are that kinda band.

There is a creative army around these kind of events, fellow promoters included, I spy Rachel Brown of the rapidly growing Northern Exposure (music site, events and more), live streaming and photographing Blackwaters set.

Willz, drummer of The Shimmer Band with Gordon Smart of Radio X/This Feeling TV, behind them, Nick Meldrum drummer of SONS, who will open the show on the last night of the tour.

Bang Bang Romeo enhance and entrance at any live appearance.

The were (above); Intimate moments of, (below), arena sized performances.

Below, music's next industry is blossoming courtesy of artistic talents like Elspeth Baker and Nicola Parsons, there is one helluva variety talent show on the dance floor and at the bar when the new rock bands play. I spy Luke Shields of Paves in the background. The cat in the hat...

Bump into many friends all evening. Above, Luke Griffiths, front man of False Heads who are just back from shows with The Libertines. After the London leg of the ALIVE tour on October 14th, they will play the after party rock show. Hell yeah!

Below; tour headliners, The Shimmer Band take to the stage like they've beamed in from outer space and proceed to psyche-up Camden to punk rave proportions. It's easy to see why they are racking up the tips as a band heading for stellar heights. They also appear on the Episode 3 of This Feeling TV. Subscribe here to catch it as soon as it's live.

Togetherness. This is all about the music. The music is all about the love and friendships - some still to be made on this tour. Below, congratulations to fellow Big In 2017 star and powerful, positive presence; Emily Capell (with Babsy of The Shimmer Band), she is about to hit the stadiums, internationally, supporting Texas on tour.

Take a very serious listen and look at artists in the small to medium venues that music fans are becoming obsessed with no hype required.

Music pundits around the world are already doing so.

Or don't take them seriously, just come out for jumping around and giggles.

Your choice.

Anything's gotta be better than war, eh?

The Shimmer Band interview by Heather Minx Ferguson. Other interviews, snapshots and chat; Caffy. Appreciation to This Feeling and extra special love for all the bands that are already making the future a much better place.

Tickets: Take your pick then click the pic!


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