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Rock Your World with Roulette Customs!

Last week The Zeenagers attended the official launch of Roulette Customs suitably held at the jewel in the crown of rockstar hideouts - The Karma Sanctum Hotel in Soho. Outfitters from Gorillaz to ZZ Top, and you can get the bespoke gear too!

Rex Roulette tells us about how he and Simon Card came to be Roulette Customs...

How did you and Simon meet?

Simon and I met through our social circle, we have many mutual friends in creative fields, mainly musicians. Our close friend Mark Fuller is a key player in this, he owns the Karma Sanctum Hotel in Soho where we hold our events.  How did you come together as the brand?

We decided to join forces after we had a handful of collaborations together, the Gorillaz was a good call there for us to finally make that decision, I created stage jackets, as Simon created guitar knobs, it came together really well and made sense for us to work as a team.

Rex - your background is you play music and have done for some amazing bands - tell us who they are...

I've been involved with music since I was a kid, I've played in bands more recently like Love Zombies from Los Angeles and Aidan Connell from London but I've been friends with and worked on countless projects over the years, Towers of London, Amy Winehouse, The High Society, Jagz Kooner collaborations, played tours and festivals all over the world.

How has being a musician informed your designs?

I take my influence from anywhere and everywhere, so naturally being around creative and expressive personalities will help draw in different inspiration, even stereotypes can have an influence, especially when it comes to staple classics like skull rings and biker jackets.

Most memorable clients and pieces?

Gorillaz have been touring the world using our products recently, the legendary Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top recently kitted out a load of his next tour guitars with our products. A personal favourite for me would be the Angel of Death pendant and rings, Simon mustered these ones up using a 3D printed skull, it was made up by scanning a dead guys head from 1910, pretty weird but awesome, it's a scaled down version of the grim character from death row.

Moving forward, what do you have in store?

Upcoming collaboration events with Jaegermeister from June, new products constantly, and keeping inspired always….


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