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Thunder on the Left storm at Rough Trade

Thunder on the Left’s new album ‘National Insecurity’ is a politically charged, riff-laden assault from start to finish. So, it’s apt that tonight’s launch gig at Rough Trade East is a stone’s throw, (or should that be, Molotov Cocktail throw?) from Cable Street, where, in the 1930’s ordinary Londoners fought against Oswald Mosely and his British Fascist cronies.

An expectant crowd has gathered by the time the Thunder on the Left take to the stage and the band really do whip up a storm!

Songs such as Rather Be Dead Than Fake and Cliché sound immense in this legendary record store, with fans singing along to the ironic refrain ‘everybody here who is a cliché say ‘hey’’ - ‘HEY!’ The band describe their music as ‘dissident alt-rock’ and singer / guitarist Carla delivers spikey and caustic lyrics over a powerful crunching guitar and drum sound.

With bassist Adam and drummer Arun, this articulate 3 piece recorded the album in just 9 days and have really managed to capture the ferocity of their live sound. The album cover is a provocative image of a human brain seen through the cross-hairs of a sniper’s rifle, is the brain a target for destruction or, perhaps a target for the ideas and opinions the band deliver through their songs?

Whatever the answer, this is a band with something to say, give them a listen, you might just like what you hear.

Find out more on Facebook!

All photos: Lorna Cort.

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