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Paul Draper at The Haunt, Brighton

Paul Draper is nothing if not ambitious.

The former Mansun frontman released his excellent debut solo album ‘Spooky Action’ last year, and now is embarking on a tour playing both his solo material AND Mansun’s album ‘Attack of the Grey Lantern’ in full.

Tantalising snippets of rehearsals have been appearing on his social media over the last few weeks, building the excitement and creating a buzz among Mansun fans old and new, many of whom have never heard Grey Lantern songs played live.

Brighton venue The Haunt plays host to opening night and there is a packed crowd for this very special show. After a short set by support act Sol Croft, Paul’s backing band (Ben Sink, Jon Barnett, Beau Barnard and Christina Hizon) take to the stage and open with the long groove intro to single ‘Don’t Poke the Bear’. Paul’s song-writing partner and keyboardist Catherine AD is sadly missing from the line up as she is touring with Simple Minds, but the very talented Christina does a great job.

A cheer goes up as Paul appears and joins the song, the crowd sing along and it’s getting decidedly squashed in the front rows! The gig is split into 2 sets, Spooky Action, a short break and then Grey Lantern, in full, in order. Paul explains they will be playing for about 2 hours and the venue want them to finish by 10, ‘So we need to get a move on!’ The band whizz through the first set with Paul in great voice, an acoustic version of ‘Jealousy is a

Powerful Emotion’ is a highlight. You can feel the anticipation from the crowd, it’s nearly time for the performance many thought would never happen. It’s 21 years this month since the release of Grey Lantern which entered the UK album charts at number one. Huge success followed but, after an acrimonious split in 2003 it seemed Mansun songs would never be heard live again.

Until now.

The beautiful orchestral intro to ‘The Chad Who Loved Me’ begins and there are audible gasps, this is really happening. Paul really pulls it off. His band are so tight and well-rehearsed, close your eyes and it could BE Mansun. The songs segue into one another, with cheers erupting as fans recognise the opening chords of their favourite tracks. ‘Taxloss’, ‘Wide Open Space’, ‘She Makes my Nose Bleed’ all sound amazing, Paul’s voice is strong and clear. All too soon with the final bars of ‘Dark Mavis’ the stage lighting fades to black and the album, and therefore the gig, are at an end. Will there be an encore?

After what feels like an age the band return to play the album’s secret extra track ‘An Open Letter To the Lyrical Trainspotter’, Paul sings the chorus ‘the lyrics aren’t supposed to mean that much, they’re just a vehicle for a lovely voice’ while waving his arms, conducting the crowd.

Maybe the songs don’t mean much, but you do still have a lovely voice, I hope to hear it again soon.

Check out what Paul Draper is up to next on Facebook.

All photos by Lorna Cort.

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