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The Nectars - Heaven!

Anyone who is a true devotee of the New York punk rock scene has heard of upcoming band The Nectars, and if you haven’t then you’re going to want to. Though they have been around for little more than a year, the New Jersey quartet have been making waves both at home and abroad ahead of the release of their debut album ‘Sci Fi Television’, coming May 25th.

And now, riding in on the (Jersey) Devil’s own bassline, comes their new single ‘Heaven’, a ‘moving-on’ anthem where verses that crawl and seethe pave the way for a chorus that breaks out, kicks and screams, and finally leaves you and all your shitty behaviours. In the video, frontwoman Jess Kenny leads a seductive and exciting live performance of the song in what look’s like Dr. Frankenstein’s basement, while herself channeling a sort of ‘Nancy Spungen spliced with a Cramps LP cover’ look that is frankly everything rock needs now and has always needed.

The rich tone and wandering nature of her voice, which seems sometimes to side with and at other times fight the driving rhythm section and moody overtones of the song, is what brings moments of both touching vulnerability and triumphant empowerment to the lyrics. ‘I should have never started looking at you’ laments Jess, but since you’re gone there’s ‘so much Heaven’. It is a marriage made in, well, Heaven, even if the relationship wasn’t.

Fans of the Smashing Pumpkins, Queenadreena, early Muse or FOE’s ‘Bad Dream Hotline’ should definitely pay the band a visit when they gig in London this summer to get #blessed, and in the meantime check out the song on Youtube or Spotify and break out the air guitars. Check out the video below!

That solo though… what a way to start 2018!

Heaven is out now! Album coming 'atcha: 25 May 2018!

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