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A farewell to HIM (The Roundhouse 17/12/17)

In January last year, HIM had an announcement to make to all of their fans: they have reached as far as they can with their music, their concept and they're bowing out of the industry with a farewell tour. Of course a lot of us had hoped it was a 'Ziggy Stardust' type death, and that they'd return with a new image and sound but alas, the fans had to accept that the end was nigh, buy tickets one last time and see them out with a bang.

Their legacy began back in 1991, at a time when there was a crucial turning point in music. Rock was starting to break off into tangents such as grunge, metal and HIM got right in the middle. Not only did they branch off and make metal (or gothic rock to some) music, but the frontman Ville created their own symbol (incorporating the pentagram with the symbol of love: heartagram), and declaring that their music is love metal: metal music purely dedicated to the ups, downs, joys and heartbreak that comes with being in love and everything with it.

I personally got into them, by listening to their version of Blue Oyster Cult's 'Don't Fear the Reaper'. They decided to perform their last ever UK concerts at the Roundhouse in Camden. An iconic venue, where The Doors played their only UK concert in 1968. So, if you want to leave the music world with a bang, this is the venue to immortalize yourself. Dead on 9pm, the band make their entrance onstage with the heartagram displayed all over. Ville says time to get this started, and straight away we go into 'Buried Alive by Love' -taken from their album 'Love Metal'. It gets the crowd pumped for an electric night. It's one of their most popular which is why it's no surprise just before the chorus, Ville put the microphone out to the crowd and we bellowed back 'Buried Alive By Love'. Pretty sure almost everyone there was a similar age group ie: we were teens/pre-teens when we began our love affair with HIM. With over 6 studio albums, this is a set list that's amazed and excited all of us.

On we go to 'Your Sweet 666' (from album Razorblade Romance), another anthem with an unforgettable riff with heartfelt lyrics about holding onto something that you should probably let go of, but simply can't. When the keyboard begins with a simple set of arpeggios, we all know what song is coming next; 'The Sacrament'. This is definitely one of their most ethereal and enigmatic, that really hits you in the soul. Without a doubt, many of us were feeling very uplifted spiritually hearing these songs live and perhaps feeling some nostalgia or reminiscence about what these songs means to us, why and what they remind us of. 'Gone With the Sin' is a slow long, that allows us to hear what a deep, viscous and alluring voice he possesses, and the contrast between their heavier songs with a much faster tempo. They included their take on Chris Isaak's 'Wicked Game', and didn't disappoint there either. Now to their album 'Dark Light', in comes the infamous chords in C Minor and the fans are anticipating shouting out the words to 'Killing Loneliness'. This is one of their most beautiful, all about overcoming fears and embracing hopes that's echoed by the final lyrics 'I'm killing loneliness with you.'. I got to hear one of my favorite's get played, 'Poison Girl'.

As things were wrapping up, Ville announced to the crowd once again that our singing all night was of the 'highest order, very impressed.' He also said it was an absolute pleasure and honour to play in front of us one last time, and for all the music we've bought and listened to over the years. After that heartfelt speech, we get ready to sing along last time to 'Funeral of Hearts'. Looked around very briefly, many were singing with their eyes closed and a hand on their heart; showing true dedication to the music we've had the luxury and fortune of bringing into our lives. There was a mention of possible encore, and thankfully they did with a rendition of Billy Idol's 'Rebel Yell'. That wasn't before Ville wished everyone a happy Christmas and New Year and couldn't thank us enough for all the years of support, and attending tonight to witness an historical moment. It sadly is the end of a unique era. No doubt in my mind – and many others- they are the most successful band to come out of Finland, gaining international stardom and critical acclaim. Their final ever concert will be in their home country in Helsinki on New Years Eve; count your fortunes if you're attending. Over the year, us fans have ventured from 'Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights', smiled and cried over a 'Venus Doom' whilst hearing 'Tears On Tape'.

Their music will go on forever and it was absolutely huge, and important, that the band thought it'd be better if we all went through this grieving process together, say goodbye properly. Deep in our souls and our veins, His Infernal Majesty will forever have a special place in our hearts.

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