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Monefa Meets... Cary Balsano

Solo artist Cary Balsano is an emerging artist with a large following and dazzling talent to match. This year alone he's been growing serious momentum releasing 'Horizon' (which we reviewed here!) and an EP and getting himself slots on the radio and even at Anfield football ground. He has a gig at the infamous EBGB's in Liverpool December 9th, I managed to catch him for a few words last week.

Hello Cary, So what have you been doing lately since the last single?

Just trying to record other stuff,at the same level as 'Horizon' or even better,hopefully!

Okay, sounds promising. Got a new single coming out soon?

Yeah, got a couple of singles coming out in January. Then I have a big gig on the 9th of December so hopefully it'll go well!

What do you think,has been your most frustrating thing this year, in terms of making your music and getting it out there?

Probably trying to find the money to record music. That's the problem for independent artists.

Do you think it's really hard to get someone to back you up as well?

It is hard to find somebody that shares, your idea of music.

Is it a bit like the case of trying to find someone,that's one the same wavelength as you,in terms of where you want to go and your goals?

Yeah, or even just to have faith in what you actually believe.

Anything that' happened recently in general,that you found really funny?

Let's see...when I was in the studio recording sometimes, I'm saying words that aren't proper English but sometimes I say them thinking they make sense. I actually released a song, pronouncing a word that doesn't even exist in the English vocabulary, which to me, sounded pretty nice. But then, the guy in the studio told me that 'freezy' doesn't exist. There's only 'freezing' or 'freeze'.

Have you got anything else planned next year, apart from your single release?

Hopefully, I'm going to be able to go on tour and do some more gigs abroad as well.

Nice one! Are there any artists/bands you would love to write a song with if you could?

I think I'd truly love to collaborate with Daft Punk. It'd be something different for me, but I could use my vocals on one of their tracks.

As a creative person, would you be willing to experiment with something new in terms of sound, technique or even instruments?

Definitely! With my music I drift between acoustic, to electronic, even dance with the new single that I'm going to release. So yeah, I don't have any problem experimenting.

You're happy and open, to maybe go in a new direction?

I’m always open to that! 

Well, good talking with you. The Zine can't wait to hear your next single, best of luck with that!

Check out what Cary is up to here!

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