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Harriet meets Superfood!

After a three-year gap from the release of their debut album in 2014, Superfood embark on the last leg of their headline UK tour to celebrate their second album, Bambino. Lead singer, Dom Ganderton gives us an insight into his decision to join Dirty Hit, the fact he’s Tom Jones’ grandson and tour stories involving transvestites, naturally.

Can you describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?

I think it’s big beats, with soul influenced melodies and scratchy guitars with a dusty lo-fi topping on the top. It’s like it’s all been played through a tape machine.

Do you have a favourite story from tour?

I do actually! We were in Brighton once [on our first tour with Wolf Alice], and the last time I saw Ryan [Malcom, lead guitar] he was with a transvestite and we were going back to the hotel. The next morning, we had to leave at 10am, no sign of Ryan. 12pm, no sign; 1pm no sign; 2pm – we’re getting to like 3pm now and there’s just no sign of him! Everyone is stressing out so I just walk out and I see Ryan in a ball, curled up on the beach; I just ran over to him and he had a bottle of gin next to him, just laid on the floor.

Are you excited to be supporting Wolf Alice again? How did it happen?

So excited! we hang out with them pretty much every weekend now, so we see them all the time. I mean, it was partly the label and they asked for us to play it because we’ve been playing them demos as we’ve been writing it, so like at house parties, I’ve just been like, “I need to play you something I need to play you something!” so yeah it happened quite naturally as well. I don’t know what fucking mess we’re going to get into.

Have you been happy with the reaction to Bambino?

Oh yeah, really, really happy. When we put out Double Dutch first I was shitting it before but seeing how people reacted and that they loved it, the pressures off. If they like that then we can probably get away with the rest of the album.

Why did you choose to sign to Dirty Hit Records?

We just always thought they were the coolest label. Jamie Oborne is a dude. We were in LA and saw The 1975 were over there and we kinda knew them but not much; we were just looking for people to hang out with so I sent them a message on twitter and they said, “ah no we’ve left but send us over what you’re doing we’d love to hear it”. So, we sent it to Matty [Healy, The 1975] and at the same time to Jamie [Oborne] and it just ended

up working. We were really lucky.

Three years since the first album, what did you do in that time?

Kind of living on no money and making this album. I think we needed this long to work it out, if we had released it this different like 6 months after we stopped touring people would’ve bene like what the fuck are they doing? We needed time and the gap justified the change in sound, we know what road we’re on, already started on the next release, things won’t stop now they’ve got going.

What’s on your rider?

It’s really boring! We got rid of crisps and chocolate, trying to be health conscious. We’ve got like cashew nuts, gin, fruit, bread and humous. We just ask for money and buy our own!

What do you do when you’re not in the band?

Do a lot of producing and cooking. I’ve been working with Rosie Holloway, really amazing voice, but other than that I just cook anything. I’d have been a chef if I wasn’t a singer.

Is there something that no one knows about you?

I’m Tom Jones’ grandson, yep its true. My mums adopted, Pontypridd, same birthday. You do the math! I’ve never followed it up but it’s gotta be true, I’ve got the same nose as him! You look at an old photo of him.

What have you got coming up in the next year?

Touring and we wanna get a release out before festivals start just to keep the momentum going. The album is quite a festival album, it’s eclectic so I want it to resonate and be there next year.

What’s your favourite superfood?

My answer is always pickled onion monster munch but I’ve got to stop that because it’s not actually funny. I don’t know, but my favourite food is onions, on their own. Spring onion, so good on their own. RAW. Me and my friend did a thing just seeing how long we can eat an onion like an apple.

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