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The Killers - 'Wonderful Wonderful' Album Review

As a little preface, whether you are a new fan, a fan from the beginning of Hot Fuss, or just curious about their sound, don't listen to this album with an expectation it will sound exactly like the entirety of their previous albums. Not only are they one of the best bands to grace our ears this 21st century, but one of the few (if not the only band) from the same time that captured the iconic elements of the 80s and blending it with their personalities to make their signature sound. Like with everything –including music- this album is an exhibit of their evolution, their personal growth in their separate and joint lives and combining that to present what is essentially a journey.

"Battleborn" was about facing the demons and the pain and being ready to fight and defend however long it took.

"Wonderful Wonderful" is about no longer identifying yourself as a person struggling and hurting constantly,but instead the real person emerging under all the layers and complexities and just so happens to be the best version of the self.

The title track is about enjoying the storm rather than fearing it and by doing so your fears no longer exist. 'Keep an ear to the shell, follow the path that leads to the well' is a beautiful way of describing that old saying: take a leap of faith.

This carries straight into the next track,''The Man'' with its hip disco beat is so infectious I doubt there is a single person that won't find themselves tapping their feet, hands, whatever they choose to go along with the melody. The song is all about stepping into one's confidence and owning it and being proud of the struggle that is now behind you. It's also a person that is saying that are dependable,reliable and perhaps gone under

some kind of regeneration process Doctor Who style. Saying that,no one is perfect all the time and sometimes the best version of oneself takes a backseat, and you have some new tests to pass, new lessons to learn, which is what the following track is all about.

"Rut" gets you to visualise. It's about being patient, kind and compassionate that we all have moments where we may feel stuck,but doesn't mean it's permanent and the more compassion presented,the quicker we can climb out of the hole and become 'The Man' all over again (which isn't excluding women regardless of the title).

Nearly halfway through the album,and we arrive at ''Run For Cover'' all about choosing to be a warrior and holding on to that no matter what as that determination is what will get you through a difficult time, as is with life for everyone. Something Brandon clearly agrees with as he belts out the last line of the chorus... 'Don't look back, just run for cover.' The classic upbeat tempo through the guitar riff at the beginning, with the synthesized chords in the background harmonising Brandon's angelic voice, captures what gave The Killers their signature sound. When I mean signature sound, I mean that a lot of people can hear a song by them, not being aware of whom the artist is but knowing that it's familiar and popular.

With another failure that how now turned into a greater triumph here comes ''Some Kind Of Love'' a slower song with an ethereal feel,allowing you to be in an introspective position, remembering that it's imperative and important to appreciate your worth, love yourself and recognise the beautiful things that others see in you, especially when you may not always recognise it in yourself. We continue listening to a story of allowing oneself to stay vulnerable, keep communication going, enjoy life and don't forget to listen to the rhythm of your


That same rhythm is displayed in a flawless fashion in ''The Calling'' The textures, the melody,the lyrics are all combined with a flair and precise way that again, will have you bobbing your head or tapping your fingers. The lyrics itself are extremely uplifting don't take your focus off your goals, use your emotions to bring in something new simply by being your original and wonderful self.

The last track "Have All The Songs Been Written" is like a gentle nudge into the direction of willingness, when it seems that all options have been exhausted,that last glimmer of hope is what was always

required and will always be there.

This entire album is powerful, encouraging and extremely conveyable. Infact just recently, Brandon himself said that the album is inspired by his wife's continues journey (and triumphs)through managing a complex form of PTSD. What an outstanding way of showing the fans and anyone who chooses to read his interviews, that there is no shame in sharing your story with 1 or 100 as we all go through a process of healing and through that process we learn and appreciate our worth,be the best people we can be. To feel and believe you have the potential to achieve that goal in this short thing we call life truly is... Wonderful Wonderful.

Wonderful Wonderful was released 22nd September and is available at all the usual outlets.

You can also stream it here.

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