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Entertainment Revolution Built On Love and Actual ENTERTAINMENT!

thezineuk music social no5

Poetic souls. Romantic dreams. 20th and 21st century documentarian, Jeff Moh, captured a moment of the punky love break-out opposite St Paul's Cathedral when TheZineUK's situationist travelling #ArtBeat circus called into Vinyl Bar, this was just one corner of the room (above). Below: Jeff captured another moment of rock n roll peace and fun waging at the #JackRocks7 launch two days earlier at Sebright Arms. This was just one corner, too. At both events, industry, media and loads of musical peers united in utterly fantastic moments of cultural positivity. Scroll down for more snapshots , but you almost don't have to, as each of these pictures paints a thousand words. More, in this case, as our story steps up, again, into new futures with good good people. Three degrees of separation from everybody in these pictures of a rising arts and music movement. Love (and music) is all you need.

Below: TheZineUK / the anti-scene UK threw a party in a space ship which landed in the City Of London.

We met our 20th April headliners, Apeman Spaceman, when White Room, below at the Jack Rocks 7 show, played our ArtBeat event a few years ago as special guests of Nova Twins. Massive hugs to Lucie Barât for helping to put that bill together. We met #stagestyle star, Jane Pirate, that night, (Trampolene crew these days) and our eternally beloved Nova Twins have just brought out their own clothing range. Stage Style 4REAL

Before 485C hit the Vinyl Bar stage, our Music Editor; Dizzy Spell, and photographers Sandy K. Moz and Jeff Moh and friends, join them for a mingle on the balcony.

The ongoing quest to take decent pictures of brilliant Jack Rocks 7 band, Trampolene (below), continues.

Ha ha, Rob, gotcha!

Ha ha again, can't get over the great Vinyl Bar location!

This is the venue's view of St Paul's Cathedral where the royal and holy shizzle happens.

Yeah, we did all that, as well, this evening, just across the road. Holy Royal Batman! On and off stage.

As the sun goes down, Sandy n Jeff grab a moment with Luke (using the force) of newer wave punkers, False Heads, who had played as secret headliners at the free This Feeling show in Camden the night before.

Keep an eye on our socials for links to their shots in the near future. And our next events in St Paul's. Iggy Pop is an enthusiastic supporter of False Heads, Jeff has photographed Iggy and there was a royal birthday the day after. Iggy's 70th

Like I say, three degrees of separation.

No groaning, now, but talking of the sun going down, below, another star shaped Jack Rocks 7 set from , The Sundowners.

TheZineUK's Angela Martin (welcoming guests to our music social that evening) and Jean Genie Graham (compering, and spokesperson of our collective uniqulture) are also formidable composers and musicians in their own right. Angela fronts highly rated disco punks, Bugeye, and JG is magic pop purveyor, Jean Genie's Massive Hugs. Amazing forces of nature like all in this story.

Zone-sters, Dan, Sandy n Georgie at the Jack Rocks 7 party. Cheers to TF n JD for the hospitality as well as the massive entertainment.

Special hugs, also, for Dan's band, musical activists, Sisteray, who headlined our first East End music social last year, then graced last month's one with a pop-up show on their '15 Minutes' tour. The EP (on Vallance Records) went on to be the only independent release in the alternative top 30, and rightly residing on credible radio playlists.

Booze on, sweet friends. Sandy later found herself in a shopping trolley with a poetically off trolley Jack Jones and friends (Trampolene after show party at their van). Actually met Sisteray sharing rum in the street outside a Trampolene gig a couple of years ago. It was meant to be. Right? Below, the intensity of guitar-assault that 485 bring, won new fans and great reviews, from Vinyl Bar. When opening our first music social's Sisteray guerilla gig, they didn't yet have a name, but they already definitely had something.

Full on performances above and, below, Anastasia is a 21st century creative rock n roll queen is up there with Janice Joplin in my (usually) humble opinion. The Jack Rocks 7, real stage (of any size) commanding deal. Go Bang Bang Romeo!

Pre-gig, Johnny Cooke of Apeman Spaceman in engaged conversation with Chenaii of new publication, Ragged Cult Magazine.

I spy more friends from this story, Simon (Bad Wolf) and Polly (Polstar Photography) in the background.

Below : we were treated to a sneak preview of new songs as Apeman Spaceman headlined, picked up new fans for their twisted dirty rock sound and extra interest/ideas.

Already looking forward to our next event on May The 4th when Adam Ant's gorgeous girl gang special guests on his US and UK tour dates, Glam Skanks, warm up for the UK leg of his tour at Amersham Arms. I would not miss this experience, as it's got a 6 in it. This is Music Social Number Six. You are not a number. Be there London.

Talking of poetic souls; below, The Blinders and Trampolene both being on the #JackRocks7 festival express of Summer 2017 x key major festivals with Broken Witt Rebels, The Wholls, The Sundowners, Bang Bang Romeo and White Room = a variety show of blues based genre sensibilities made in heaven. Well, The Zone actually.

Jack Rocks!


On to the next chapter then. . . get involved in the #JackRocks7 and #ArtBeat conversations with @This_Feeling and ourselves @TheZineUK and Share The Joy

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