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Gutter Press launch at This Feeling

This being an on going story of music movement, a return to Nambucca for This Feeling Club to catch False Heads launching their Gutter Press EP. This is how TheZineUK's recent interview article, before the show, ended with singer/guitarist, Luke saying; "We're very much a live band. I'd say if you like the tunes, you'd feel they are elevated live by a fair amount. Don't take my word from it, come and see us live. I'll buy you a pint...or if you think we're any good you can buy us one. We will see how it goes."

Transport For London was playing moonlit magical mystery tour so by the time I got to the venue I'd missed the first two bands but the atmosphere was crackling. A room full of laughing and cheering people, like either a mad house or just an old skool, proper Saturday night. Lots of familiar faces and friendly hugs, "The Zone" really is #1bigfamily. John Hassall and The April Rainers are headlining. Between the Libertines bassist, and False Heads being on the drummer, Gary Powell's 25 Hour Convenience Store label, there's defiitely some rhythm sex-ion connection in the room.

I note so many photographers this evening, professional ones and scene/anti-scene documentarian up and comers who know what they're doing with a camera, like TheZineUK contributors, Sandy K. Moz and Alan Wells, alongside Christina Massei, Alberto Pezzalli, Simon Sarin and more. Probably don't have a dozen such mover shaker snappers of the new music industry together at most London gigs/corporate music awards etc. Way to launch an EP! I grabbed some snap shots, but mostly watched the gig with my camera down, so google for pages of pictures from all the above. What can I say? I owe False Heads a pint. Loved it. They really bring the noize, and heart, live. EP links and next shows via

Smashed it on a Saturday night under the full moon... pix; Caffy St Luce

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