Rock N Roll Inauguration; This Feeling Big In 2017
Yeah, that's right. the inauguration of a newer wave guitar star blaze. Hot tickets to experience some of the bands that are on fire. There are loads. We are RICH with potential. Make the most of it right now. Look here are a handful, only five, of the #BigIn2017 names.
This is TheZineUK and we're gonna celebrate the anniversary of the first Summer Of Love, even if nobody else does. Songs that can last half a century ain't over and impressive talents are breaking out in the small and medium venues. One of the brilliant threads woven into our story chapters is the consistently extending This Feeling family. It's that time of the year, again, gird your loins and get into The Zone with This Feeling, #JackRocks and some of totally top tips.
Talk about living up to their name! The Cosmics make fab noise pop that is so raw, it's got scabs on. Their scuzzy punk debut, 'Johnny' is a thing of beauty;
#Bigin2017 stars nineteen seriously great new acts hitting London, Manchester and Glasgow - HARD. This is the real deal;
"Please note: no stats, cosy relationships or £££ record labels have to spend on ads are taken into consideration when selecting our tips for the year's line up (or any other for that matter). As it always should be, its all about the tunes." (Mikey Jonns, This Feeling)
Respect. All tickets £5 adv; - the first 50 audience get a free JD n Coke. Hows that for a whole lotta love? Pic; Blackwaters at This Feeling's 10th Anniversary month finale, Halloween 2016. They are a scarily good band.
Exuding a fusion of futuristic and vintage hard rocking vibes, do check out the recently uploaded Gutxi Bibang 'System Of A Gun' video, directed by Laura Martinova. It's ALL happening!
Got so much time for the instantly infectious sound of song bird, Emily Capell, too. She is #StageStyle personified. Even singing in the pie n mash shop!
It's cold outside but the 2017 Summer of Love is already here; The Blinders. Jeez. Seriously.
Read our full on interview with them - "Music is the only truth" - and do get as close as you can, as soon as you can, for their full on live show. Image from This Feeling at The Roundhouse FIGHTBACK on Venues Day.
In fact, you're in luck. These #BigIn2017 events are all are intimate, affordable, socially inclusive "I Was There" moments that can stay with you for the rest of your lives. Make the most of it. There's another inauguration happening soon, and it sure ain't this pretty! TheZineUK digs The Zone UK! Those London (Jan 14th), Manchester (Jan 21st) and Glasgow (Feb 11th) line ups:
snapshots/words; Caffy St Luce