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THE BLINDERS are off, 2017 is on.

If there's such a thing as psycho-poet beat-punk rock, then The Blinders are trail blazing ringleaders.

Tribal, thundering, howling, chanting, menacing single, 'Swine' (Rock Art Records), aurally mine blasts the unimaginable year we've just lived through, and soundtracks perfectly, what has been a roller coaster of ups and downs for Planet Earth.

"2016 has been good to us. We’ve met some incredible people and experienced equally incredible things. It seems like the satanic mowing reaper that is two-thousand-and-sixteen has granted us a little bit of mercy in that sense. We’re referring to, of course, all of the wonderful artisans that have now gone from this planet; and the politics of the world literally being turned on its head, rearing the true face of the ugliest parts of our society. It would be just our luck that the band would start to emerge whilst music as we know it begins its steady decline."

The Blinders

Thomas - vocals and guitar, Charlie - bass guitar and Matt - drums - a force of ART-iculate intelligent super nature. A north of England trio exploding with a massive rock sound and live stage presence. Tipped to TheZineUK by Manchester's where-it's-at documentarian, Nidge of Trust A Fox Photography meant just HAVING to catch their London debut for This Feeling. The rock n roll taste maker club has been well on side with the band this year.

SO glad I did not miss that show which also the 4 cities in 1 night start of TF's 10 Year celebration month of gigs). The Blinders make your heart race like a teen reborn. What a way to go! They feel it, love it, too. The excitement radiates from them in waves. I felt it.

We need all the life affirming moments that we can get these days. Continuing on an era which is, itself more of a box set, than the usual one hour TV summary around New Year...

"The year of 2016 is the year of Trump, Brexit and The Death of Bowie for us. How sad. At the end of it all, these events are bone-shatteringly decisive towards the future of our world, and we are but a minuscule blip in comparison.

We digress. We’d like to thank 2016 for: Mikey Jonns, an increase in political engagement, The Moonlandingz, Nick Cave’s ‘Skeleton Tree’, Leonard Cohen’s ‘You Want It Darker’, and finally, the Gods amongst men, CABBAGE. "

Talking of which, The Blinders have just played the sold out bonkersness of the CABBAGE curated Brassica night in Manchester and are, themselves, hitting the road early next year. Stop everything. Fuck everything. Get a ticket to experience The Blinders. They come recommended from an increasing number of believers. Incidentally, which independent festivals do the band, themselves, recommend?

"Neighbourhood Festival. We had a groovy time that weekend. The venues work their bollocks off to look after you. Its where we met our new favourite rascals, CABBAGE, and got absolutely wankered with ‘em. What more could you want?"

. . . anybody that you would like to support in the future?


While we're at it, which landmark venues/festivals would you like to play? "It has got to be Glasto. Every. God. Damn. Time. Magical, magical place. One can only imagine the feeling you’d get when you walk on to that stage. Also, fun fact: we promised our manager if he gets us there, we’ll let him say ‘Hello, Glastonbury!’ on the mic for us. So look out for that one. He’s this big old cockney fella. Can’t miss the brilliant bastard." TheZineUK would definitely tip our #OnesToHear list to Glastonbury, and all the best major and independent festivals. Feels like the best explosion of home grown talent is about to make the 21st century it's own. To get there though, artists need somewhere to play. It was such a pleasure to catch The Blinders again a few weeks after their first London gig at their second: The Roundhouse. It was part of the Venues Day Fightback. This Feeling had a stage and a last minute slot came up which they definitely made the most of. All the artists and audiences that day had come together for something very important.

As SelfServatives steal the NHS from the people that it belongs to, so our places of entertainment are being systematically shut down or priced out of existence. Some might say that streaming, etc., is also to blame, but there's NOTHING like being there. Part of the show. The Blinders are youth born into these times.

"Do you feel that venues are still a community treasure in this digital age?"

"Undoubtedly. The digital age can suck a fat one. Sure, we’ve got access to endless amounts of music now, and what a wonderful thing that is, but it feels like music is losing its sentimental value. Does that make sense?

Its as if songs are simply chucked together by these shite artists, who have been teamed up with these tremendous producers, only to be featured on Soccer AM or Made In Chelsea; and shortly after they are thrown to the fires of Spotify and Apple Music, withering away.

There’s a select few of us out there who still collect records, just ‘cause theres nothing better than having a physical copy of a damn good record you know? But going back to your question; Music Venues provide the opportunity to recreate that lost sentiment, that magic. The industry may have forgotten about you, but these places haven’t.

Experiencing live music (both watching and playing) is pure ecstasy. We can name a dozen bands that we’d never have listened to, but just ‘cause we caught their set they now have a firm place in our music catalogues. But yeah, there isn’t a better feeling out there for less than 10 quid than being around live music, especially when you’ve got the right people and the right zone.

Man, we could talk about this stuff for days. Music is the only truth, and the only true music is that which is championed at local venues. These places are the big bang, the place to be, the beginning of music as we know it! Now get out there with yer best fookin’ pals, support your scene, and just dig it."

Definitely hear that. It's the foundation that TheZineUK was born from (instigated in a small venue!). Music passions, discussions and DIY initiatives, a steep learning curve that is qualifying the new cottage industries springing up around music, like a school of hard rocks! (ktsch!)

"Education is key, but academia isn't everything?" "We’re not going to denounce higher education. Most careers require some form of academic degree and that kind of blows. But our philosophy is that the most important lessons in life are gained through self-enlightenment.

Listen to those around you who are real, who understand life, who have been through it; and absorb that shit. Surround yourselves with inspiring literature and real music, its not there just to rot away. Have a real close shave with a concoction of substances. Open your mind a bit, get off your phone and think - but more importantly - listen. Switch on the machine and don't stop it. How’s that?"

That is spot on and another reason why we fell for The Blinders instantly. They radiate; positivity. As The Blinders are one of our 2017 #OnesToHear recommendations, do they have any of their own? "If you’ve not been turned on to CABBAGE yet, for some ungodly reason, nows the time. We also recently went to see Crimsons, another Manchester band. We whole heartedly love those guys, can’t remember the last time a band gave me goosebumps whilst watching them. Also, the bassist has these proper wild blue eyes that will make you fall in love whilst he rips his guitar a new one."

and TheZineUK would like to add that if you are reading this interview, then you probably have some interest in The Blinders already, but please do #ShareTheJoy (our motto) and tell somebody not yet aware of them that escapism is at hand. They are obviously a gang, and I'm curious to know how they magnetised as a band. "Magnetise. What a lovely word. So, the three us all went to the same school. We got close through an individual love for music, but a collective love for booze and discussing politics (we were pretty weird kids). Rather cliche, but thats the jam. We had a lot of good friends in our hometown and they were all nice enough to come to our first gig. What both ourselves and those guys didn't realise, I guess, is that we actually sounded alright. One thing led to another and here we are. Just as surprised. Just as pissed. Just a little older."

Ha ha, not much though, The Blinders are fresh faced as a boy band yet nothing like. They do exude charm though, personally and visually - StageStyle - do you have fave gear for your live appearances?

"Charlie, our bassist, is the fashion guru of the band.

He can wear a soggy burlap sack and still look the dogs bollocks.

Actually, you know what? I suppose a desperate cry out for a pair of free docs wouldn't go amiss. Here goes nothing; "LOVE DOC MARTENS. WEAR THEM ALL THE TIME. BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO THE SHOE INDUSTRY (is that a thing?). PLEASE. SEND FREE BOOTS. WE’RE POOR AS FUCK."

(admiringly, TheZineUK will keep you informed of how this plea goes. We like to see the very best new bands in the very best attire for stage style. Stay tuned!) "In all seriousness, if I had it my way, we’d play shows in the nude, wrapped in nothing but soviet flags and covered head-to-toe in the blood of bourgeois. Is that little too provocative? We’re not gonna get plastered on some black list are we?"

Can't see the bourgeois reading TheZineUK, or going anywhere near the likes of us and our friends, and to be honest, there are so many genuine baddies let loose right now in the world, that musicians who are good people are the least of anybody's worries. We don't need snooty exclusion, anyway. But - - - If the socially inclusive, true spirit of newer wave, beat poet, punk rock magnificence and something to say, turns you on, then The Blinders are an open invitation to get over excited and you need them in your life. Ones To Hear, 4REAL. Something to say; "I can't breathe": ICB Blues

"We’ve already got a small section of 2017 planned, so sink your teeth into these. Also working with a real gem at the moment, goes by the name of Gavin Monaghan. You know I mentioned about shit bands getting teamed up with talented producers? Yeah, that’s whats going on here. Keep on the look out for a new Single/EP/Poetry. We’re at it 24/7. Long Live The Zine. Love yers."

Aww, we love you to. Thank you so much for your words and time. Long Live The Blinders!

There Is No Hope. Jan 14 - Nambucca - London Jan 21 - Night & Day Cafe - Manchester Feb 2 - The Moon - Cardiff Feb 3 - Stag & Hounds - Bristol Feb 4 - Hope & Ruin - Brighton Feb 11 - Lending Room - Leeds Feb 16 - The Polar Bear - Hull Feb 18 - The Rocking Chair - Sheffield Feb 23 - The Rocksteady - London Feb 24 - Jimmy’s Bar - Manchester Feb 25 - Jimmy’s Bar - Manchester

Mar 17 - Opium 10 - Barnsley Apr 29 - O2 The Ritz w/ The Membranes - Manchester

They Don't Need Your Hope.

oh, and and Barrow, stay tuned. Got a feeling that the band want to get back there. We asked them for a favourite place; "So somehow we ended up in the middle of this mad slice of England called Barrow. It’s this Hot Fuzz-esque by-the-sea sort of town. It didn’t really feel like a real place to us, almost like they were having us on or something and secretly plotting to kill us all. I dunno maybe we’re just being really weird. In all seriousness, its a fucking great place and they showed us a real good time. Definitely going up there again for 2017. Barrow, we’re comin’ for yer baby."

chat n pix: Caffy St Luce

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