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Zeenagers - contained but contagious

Having been Stylist and Assistant Stylist to the likes of Ash, PJ Harvey, Placebo, Nitin Sahwney and Garbage, among many more, TheZineUK's Fashion Director, Ben Dodd is experienced in music movements. Since the first Chapter uploaded in New Year 2014, and over 70,000 reads of of our picture book story (so far) later, this collective with diversity in it's DNA is in the eye of a storm. In conversation about how exciting the ArtBeat movement is, Ben - #StageStyle - summed it up perfectly. "Contained but contagious".

TheZineUK team are so excited about a wealth of world class calibre gracing the small venues that Music Venue Trust are protecting, and yet many of the industry and media we speak to in conversation have yet to hear so many of them. (contained) It's good to see our under radar fellow star spotters on the case, and having such great times, though. (contagious). This storm has been brewing for a few years now. "Austerity" broke Britain and starved the arts, but talent can't stop being brilliant just because of poverty.

Friends of TheZineUK are AMAZING. Thank you to all artists, audiences, labels, sites, promoters and documentarians. Much appreciation. Without their kind time/input, interest, feedback, tickets/guest lists/photo passes, invitations, hugs, opportunities and long lovely conversations with fellow music fanatics, where we put the world to right, along with some bonkers adventures, the situationist chaos magic we are based on, wouldn't work.

Take our friends Maria and Stan, whose music business, Headliner, is a smash hit. World-class entertainment for special events. Like many others, their background is rich with experience and their foreground, dripping in passion.

At their wonderfully inclusive and hospitable Xmas party a few days ago, I papped my friends Anita and Jean Genie having fun. SO Sarf London! Love it. They are more multi-talent mover shakers, and played a huge part in ArtBeatFest (New Music Expo) in April, the follow up to 2015's Expo. Not just their wow-some song crafting and audience engagement skills, but also being women in music who are part of the mutual support circle that financially poor times need. Their generosity to their peers is award worthy.

And there it is. Our Unique Selling Point is that we are not like anybody else, and although our achievements are now attracting the kind of interest that brings business (chuffed and humbled) our motivation came from an intense love of great music and exciting live performance. With the first marketing advice that TheZineUK got coming from a 12 year old, and our collective including pensioners of legendary proportions (Bruno Wizard started last year in the windows of Selfridges on Oxford Street around the release of the movie 'Heart Of Bruno Wizard'). Alongside a Wizard, and the Jean Genie who introduced him into this tale, we have another of their mutual friends, Dizzy Spell, as music editor and our film/video genius of Electric Owls is Joe Moon. Yep, that's right, we get to "see the moon about some stars", on various occasions. Heck, TheZineUK multi-verse contains the Brian Cox influenced Apeman Spaceman! From our teens and millenial creators onwards, we are all zeenagers.

Like a light bulb going on, I realised that in a year with so much hate on the agenda that nazis can NEVER have as much fun and laughter, such brilliant tunes, dance so well and love so easily. I met lots of strangers for the first time the other night. Smiles and hugs were the order of the day and we chatted immediately. Friends, old and new, exchanged conversation, smiles and introductions. New futures are made at these kind of music socials. That's why our live events begin with a house party vibe. Quite often cakes and fruit are given out as a welcome. Uniqulture is 4REAL. It travels to any gathering of playing class friends.

I personally hope that what we have done so far, can influence the near future by emitting peace and funshine into the ether. What the world needs now, is love, sweet love.

We are blessed to be part of a massive wave of Britain having global potential musical positivity with Grime and Rock, especially, pulsing.

2016 wasn't exactly how #Punk40 started out, it was rounded off with cowardly excuses for politicians causing the anarchy in the UK, but you know what? We've got this.

We are DIY. We have made so many good things happen, and rep our nation so well with ideas for new futures. All we are saying is give peace a chance.

The other night, suddenly, I felt christmassy. Up to then I could not understand how we've gone from Halloween starting post Brexit/FuxIt followed by crapitalism's "Black Friday Week", then going straight into fake schmaltzy Christmas, without one so-called world leader calling for calm and unity! But the joy the world thing made sense again, even to me, Lady Bah-Humbug!

These are just a few of our friends, old and new, making good will to all a reality.

This site (designed by Ewelina Bobrek, another member of our expanding family, found out of the blue with kindness), the picture book case study of music movement, TheZineUK social media and our alliances - all full of charismatic folks beyond the realm of what passes for reality TV. This is not a clinical operation. All are weaved into this tapestry are recommendations, or just falling for a live show. We could be a computer game. We could be a fantasy tale. We can be anything with the potential of our lifestyles. Many of the bands are characters in this thriller, by accident. Thank you wonderful, talented, beautiful spirits.

The scene is set to make #Heaven17 - just add music, family, friends and fun.

This sounds simplistic and a tad hippy dippy. It's not easy or idyllic. We live in scary times. Hence the need for Escapism Therapy. Sure we are all imperfect, that's humans for you, but warm hearts and golden souls are the conscience and courtesy that make evolution a reality. Even in this dystopian present. Uniqulture welcoms hippies and hipsters alike. We are not all in this together, but we are all on the same planet. I wish people could be as lovely as they are gigs, just looking after each other. Like Aretha says, RESPECT.

We have started a rollercoaster story of ups and downs in reality, that have HAPPENED. Anti Reality TV, so to speak. A documentary of independent arts power.

If TheZineUK ended tomorrow, nobody can take away the amount of laughter and legendary moments that we have experienced between us. It won't end tomorrow, though, at the time of writing - 10th December - more ArtBeatFest artists are raising their game; 485C are supporting Kyle from The View at This Feeling, MOSES are supporting Ash at the Roundhouse and tomorrow, Rhiannon The Nightmare is launching a very alternative Christmas at Deptford's magic Vinyl Record Store.

Above, another amazing friend. There is a very good reason why Rhiannon The Nightmare graced the Chapter 1 cover of our story. Experience a live show if you can!

So, yeah, look to the future now, it's only just begun. Together we can do so much more, and have the best times doing it. Let us recommend some for 2017 - #OnesToHear - I hope that you can come with us, on and off line, magicaly mystery tour.

Sometimes we pinch ourselves with what occurs. Next, continuing this situationist approach, we pitch ourselves and our team/favourites and step up all this goodness to create whatever happens next.

Thank you Headliner for a lovely evening that got me thinking. Ha ha, raves flashbacks when the lights went down. Thank you SuperNature for the sci fi hi-fi wifi life I lead. Here's to success for ALL the Zeenagers! You are all invited to #ShareTheJoy - One Love, One Heart, Let's Get Together And Feel Alright.

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