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End Of Daze; Creative Start Of Days.

Mixing fashion, technology, arts, education, ideas, performance and positivity since the first live event "poetry, punk and situationism" in January 2014 with a DIY music documentary picture story since March 2014, TheZineUK has created a parallel dimension through the positivity and passion of great talent.

In turn, they give potential to economy and the possibilities of employment of collectives of cottage industry around the UK.

TheZineUK has developed into a different kind of scouting, tipping, creative, developing and connecting agency. Chapter 12 of TheZineUK picture story, "End Of Daze" is now on line (September to November 2016)

Eugene Ankomah photographed by Stefon Grant

Chapter 12 cover image by Stefon Grant is of visual wizard, Eugene Ankomah at the launch (Volume 1) of One Pulse, the art exhibition live music experience at London venue and gallery, Brixton Windmill. Techno-Art punx, Little Death Machine and Eugene are an ArtBeat match made in the heaven of this parallel dimension, earlier this year. LDM also graced our 2015 Expo and will stage One Pulse : Volume 2 with Eugene on 1st December.

We are living in a parallel dimension to the world on the news, due to having one of the most amazing soundtracks to escape from the Austerity inflicted Armageddon where greed and hate are spiralling out of control. In our world, the (r)Evolution will not be trivialised. With so much appreciation to all that bring us behind the scenes of their lives, get involved with our music socials and arts expos, for the tickets/guests lists/beers/hugs and amazing, humbling feedback... Our inspirations don't need the fakery of "celebrity for no reason" status, it's not fame that makes the stars twinkle.

With approx 78,000 reads / views for the story book and articles between Chapter 1 and uploading the latest chapter, we round off the Brexit / Trump fascism fuelled hate and violence of 2016 with the hope that only every day kind souls and exciting ideas can inspire.

We have no idea of what the future brings other than our united effort to create #Heaven17 half a century after the first Summer Of Love not mentioned in a "post truth"* Lamestream. Its all happening (under radar).

Artists/Promoters/Media making the Newer Wave a tsunami of co-collaboration by looking after each other. Our blog and social media are living proof. Share The Joy experienced as as reality.

Uniqulture is mixing genres, backgrounds, ideas, tastes, approaches, nations, generations, sexual persuasions, you name it. Having to agree to disagree sometimes, whatever to make the new happen. Thank you for being in this story (on or off stage, in front of or behind a lens), encouraging feedback, supporting what TheZineUK collective are about in any shape or form, or even just laughing at us punching above our weight. It's all pinned by professionalism and experience, so we can take it. Sending ONE LOVE out into the ether... and energy: Right then friends, let keep making a better future.

*"post truth" my arse (a.k.a. lying)

Words (and snapshot of sistah punks, Big Joanie, from the November end of Chapter 12) by Caffy (TheZineUK Live Events Department)

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