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AWE-tumn DIYstopia as New Stars Shine

Seeking the Artists, Independent Media/Industry, Promoters and Events helping to create the best of 2017? Please do not rule out how well an austerity/division stricken nation pulls together through rock n roll.

The glittering threads of DIY music's rich tapestry weave new thrills. Punk n reggae's grand children multiplied by rave n britpop's offspring herald fresh futures where grime n electro fuse every genre into rock n roll lives. Forget NFartage's summer of hate-#BrexitBritain. Instead, peace, respect and funshine creates SEX-it-Britain! Hopeful, stylish, playful. Collaboration, ideas and the socialism of uniqulture create a six-degrees of separation. That's six beyond the succesful, but not for all, 360 degree model. "Six-it"?

2016 feels like we are in the eye of the best storm for decades. I went rocking on September 5th, caught noise-pop-tastic Asylums (below) before their Bestival set and October tour. More of that in a bit, but I bumped into friends I'd missed at the glorious, femme-power celebration; Loud Women Fest, on 3rd September. They and myself had recently enjoyed Asylums' 'Killer Brain Waves' debut album launch for the mighty John Kennedy of Radio X (with more Loud Women faves, the excellent deux furieuses supporting). As faves/friends connect, collide, co-promote, it feels like our peace powered parallel dimension is increasingly independent, sociable, and FUN! #ShareTheJoy

It's back to school for entertainment: Children of all ages. Brains de-fuzz from festival season, looking to the near future with hope. This Autumn term started with a day out at Loud Women Fest AND our local Party In The Park. I'm sure my arms got longer from hugging, I grew wrinkly from laughter and my heart was swelled by their collective soul. This keeps happening in musical socialist uniqulture, where karma is the main finance available in the "Austerity" Age.

Above; Argonaut, DOLLS, Lilith Ai - fantastic talents/FUNtastic times at Loud Women Fest in T-Chances. That definitely needs to happen again. Below: Keeping it Loud Women flavoured, My Bad Sister having it large at Party In The Park Festival #NXD (New Cross/Deptford)

The weekend before that, we were with more faves. Ben and Caffy with Coqin Migale as they headlined the BBC Introducing Stage at Reading Festival. In Camden, Heather and Sandy were with Cabbage, at their first ever proper London venue gig.

Band Holiday Weekend; Alex (Coquin Migale) #stagestyle - a t-shirt featuring End Of The Trail label boss, Kelly Munro, at Reading performing debut album 'Munro', a week after release. Below; Sandy K. Moz captured another essential new thrill; Cabbage. More images here.

TheZineUK team are nation wide and international, with varied tastes. We cross over often in our passions for best new artists. Our sub-cultures-documenting peers do, also. This is hands on, ESP scouting; ahead of mainstream attention. It swells our collective heart to see This Feeling 's Zone increasingly revolutionising the 21st century festival circuit. This landmark year, especially.

Above; The Tuts enjoying a riot grrrl powered stage invasion at DIY Space for London a week after the inaugural DIY Diaspora Punx meeting there restored my post-fuxit faith in humanity. News: UK tour for debut album, 'Update Your Brain', (another key 2016 release) begins on 14th September, calls into The Lexington on 18th September. The Tuts headline our beloved Clit Rock's on 21st October. #weaving

Our May/June adventures in the latest picture book story include the afore mentioned deux furieuses (whose debut album 'Tracks Of Wire' is "this year's Nevermind" (Louder Than War) MOSES, Sisteray (pictured below at Camden Rocks Festival), Asylums, The Glass Collectors Radio Show, SONS, 485C, Apeman Spaceman, The Great Escape, The Au Revoirs and Amersham Arms (where End Of The Trail Records, This Feeling and our own ArtBeat events fuse into this story). The July to September picture diary is coming soon. Looking forward to the audiences as much as the artists. It's not a gentrified, trendy, hip clique thing. Social inclusion welcomes all. Hipsters included. We just wanna have kind FUN... MAGIC street preachers

These musicians mean a lot to us, personally and emotionally. As a DIY creative agency, we also realise that they are important to the nation's potential cottage industry employment, exports and a high calibre reputation worthy of investment. Technology amazers in our story, like Flare Audio, and TryLife TV, are repaying faith, deservedly shown in them, at high profile. The musicians need that faith. Their songs have earwormed our minds, sound tracked our surreal, poor, NOW of highs and lows . All sorts of shit happening behind doors, then we get into a small venue or a big field. Dance, laugh, get high and punch the air to anthems instead of punching another human being. Escape to other worlds. Even if its just for a few hours. Our people power love rebellion is refuelled. Artists/Audiences support and promote each other, not waiting on official bodies or funding. Attention received is appreciated. Many have what it takes for global recognition. It won't always happen, but since leaving the industry to stage new music shows, I am still magnetised by world class songs. Not all stars are famous.

Rock/punk/newer wave may not currently be popular music's financial focus, but the ability to win fans is potential business as Music Venue Trust's findings and the 2015 UK Music Report on music tourism figures clearly indicate. Rock music tours and swag CAN be big business. The ability to thrill audiences into coming for another show, especially in The Skint Age, is a strong indication of the best kind of addiction. Cyberspace's streaming and free downloads have taken income from musicians's lives. Merchandise and gig tickets can give something back.

Vultures hate Cultures. The establishment wages "development" etc. war on clubs and venues. Both are key to economy. Especially with the pound devalued. (Make lemonade! Encourage tourism.) Personal and affordable is where it's AT right now. You can locally see a band you love. Maybe bump into familiar faces or make new friends. Recently special guests of The Enemy, MOSES announce their debut, jump out of the speakers, rock n roll, single - 'Leave Leave Leave' and new (not to miss) live shows. Can't stop seeing them and, as mentioned before, found myself at an(other) Asylums gig. A free entry treat at The Old Blue Last in Shoreditch. Their 'Killer Brain Waves Tour', is gonna be on fire this October.

Asylums (above) with the crowd in their hand at a very personal rock show for Killing Moon and (below), packing up their gear for the journey back to Southend. It wasn't to be though. Our chants of "ONE MORE SONG!" won them over. Yes, their album IS that good. Many thanks to them for refuelling our people power. Its a beautiful things. More images in 2016 photo album

Follow/post to our Sociable Media Facebook for news shares, updates, pix, videos. This collage links to what TheZine's Mr #StageStyle, Ben Dodd, said at the start of this summer about creating a parallel universe. Our's ain't exactly Marvel, but the talent is definately Marvellous!

May 2016 "creating a parallel universe"

blah blah blah; caffy (live events department)

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