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Little Death Machine are Dreaming In Monochrome

TheZineUK love Little Death Machine

Let the art do the talking with this video playlist of South London's dark dreamy art visionaries;

'Dreaming In Monochrome'

The new EP, out now on Glasstone Records, is available as a highly collectible edition at the band website and launched 6pm 24th March. Free Entry, Live Music Art Installation in Brixton Windmill

LDM photography by Willie Nash

Living in a parallel dimension.

Oceans of influences wash together in a tidal wave of sounds and ideas of double-century straddling Bjork / Saul Williams / Radiohead / Bowie proportions, fusing many influences to shape something that can veer into a delightfully deranged fresh hell at decibels. The self made Dreaming In Monochrome live videos collection created at Power Lunches look and sound like the kind of house party gig that Batman would throw.

Little Death Machine have continued to magnetise our attention since grabbing it last Spring where we snapped them up for the No3Expo that packed out a Deptford Warehouse with entertainment and exhibition. An industry insider caught their set (the launch of 'Pale') and found them rather “like Nine Inch Nails, but better”.

That evening, interviewed them right there and then, while the show inspired deux furieuses (one of the mover shaker bands in the crowd that night) to not only be remixed by Feral Five (another of the up and coming names in attendance) but to be playing a show with Little Death Machine at the launch of Dreaming In Monochrome.

If in London, you may have bumped into this band at ArtBeat gatherings. They are a key element of the next music industry making itself in Dystopia. LDM's story runs through the chapters of ours and we are eternally grateful for the 111 second 'Expo Beats' track exclusive that documents snippets of Uniqulture 2015.

Their story so far includes cool festival appearances, special guests of Psychic TV's sold out November show, gigs with Nova Twins, Flesh For Lulu, Skinny Girl Diet, God Damn, The Homosexuals and Slaves plus great reviews and radio play, independent and otherwise. It's all just the start of what they deserve.

If we (I, Caffy am writing this, but I'm not the only one of the team and our allies who is excited), seem a bit gushing then you are mistaken. These are just facts being relayed for your information. Musical genres, visual art stars, poetry, theatre, literature, technology and ideas are creating underground stars out of necessity. Songs have to be so much better to soundtrack escapism from Cruel Brittania. Pass it on and dive in. Step away from “The News”, it is The Olds. If you want NEWs, this is one of the bands that deserve your attention. Please do put the kettle on and enjoy this video playlist.

That AudioVisual Gallery of Live Music and Art, in full:

Visual artists include the band themselves and the inimitable Eugene Ankomah, Britain’s Modern Art Pioneer and Youth Culture inspiration. "socially inspired and politically themed work is leaving an imprint on the art world and garnering the respect of art lovers and critics alike.” (The Hot 21 List-MIMI Magazine). Self taught, multi award winning (first ever recipient of the coveted Peter Evans Award), visual artist and a graduate of Central Saint Martin’s College of Art & Design, Eugene is deeply involved in community projects and widely admired. He has taken part in more than 125 shows and exhibitions. Since the beginning of his artistic career and has a global audience of followers and collectors including Dizzie Rascal, Olympic gold medallist Dame Kelly Holmes, Doctor Who actress, Freema Agyeman, broadcaster Moira Stuart and comedienne Jocelyn Jee Esien. Michael Horovitz (“The big daddy of the British Beat movement” Evening Standard) said of Eugene; “It is an honour to have one of your works, you are a very inventive artist.” One of London’s great Art ambassadors and in the vanguard of the UK’s situationist ArtBeat movement, we always look forward to what Eugene Ankomah does next. Imagination without boundaries. “Eugenius” (Artful Festival).

It would only be a matter of time before the universe threw Little Death Machine, Eugene Ankomah, agit-rock riot grrrl outspoken wordsmiths deux furieuses, punk legend Bruno Wizard and the nu-situationist, class theatre rage rebels, Enola Arts, into each other's satellite paths. Look out world; Little Death Machine are in the eye of uniqulture's Big Life Machine storm coming your way...

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