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Little Death Machine EP and live stardust

Little Death Machine, who recently paid tribute to David Bowie at London's Future Punk Festival have announced a highly collectable, debut EP release for March, preceded by an appearance at 'Where Are We Now', the David Bowie live music and art performance extravaganaza organised by theatre extraordinaire, Enola Arts.

The band's forthcoming multimedia EP, 'Dreaming In Monochrome', (March 7th, Glasstone Records) is limited to 100 packages of a USB of the tracks and accompanying live videos, a screen print (hand made by the band) and a limited edition tote bag. On top of all that, 'Dreaming In Monochrome' promises to be innovative Art Rock at it's finest if the first release 'Healthy', is anything to go by. Recorded live at Power Lunches it soundtracks our dystopian 2016 lives perfectly.

Catch Little Death Machine live and visual on Friday 12th February (with The Featherz (as previously featured on and art punk word legend Bruno Wizard playing with The Homosexuals, DJ Jean Genie and host Dizzy Stardust - plus much more (including a Make Up Artist, catwalk, stalls and glamour galore) as part of 'Where Are We Now'.

This situationist ball is a modern Ziggy Stardust convention, with live art performance in celebratory tribute to David Bowie, which will raise money for the Marie Cure Cancer Care charity. Information, updates and tickets via

Based in the creative explosion central of South East London, Little Death Machine present aural and visual art magnificence with an experimental electro twist of darkness. With influences that include Bjork and My Bloody Valentine, the transmedia trio launched last year's, hugely acclaimed single, 'Pale' live on stage at an alternative arts expo in a Deptford warehouse packed with over 50 bands, works, creatives from every field, in attendance. One observer remarked that they were “like Nine Inch Nails, but better”.

Best keep an eye & ear on LDM, who soundtracked TheZineUK's 70 second short (2015) with 'Expo Beats' - just one of many projects that their varied talents are woven into.

Little Death Machine. Left to right; Jason Fletcher (drums), Jamie Kendall (visuals, sampling) and Daniel Cross (guitar, vocals, programming) photographed by Willie Nash.

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