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"Rock n Roll: Energy. Emotion" (Pink Cigar) New York, New Jersey, New Thrill

London Calling - Hurricane Pink Cigar is about to storm the USA (scroll down to dates) for the first time! The British rockers, are heading to New York / New Jersey at the end of November and early December with explosive, glam tinged all thriller, no filler, fun.

At TheZineUK sessions (c) Jeff Moh

Many thanks to Pink Cigar (l-r Edd, Sid, Whiplash, Sam) for a just-recorded (made with passion, all round) session featuring brand new songs, in the intimacy of their rehearsal studio. The band inspired a co-collaboration between legendary rock photographer, Jeff Moh, filming by Aubrey Tait (via Citinite), audio by Ian Hurd (Golden Cage Media), an interview by Terry Tyldesley (Kitmonsters) co-ordinated by Ben Dodd for The Zine Sessions. Results are already exciting. Stay tuned, but for now, read on!

"Rock n Roll is Energy n Emotion" (Edd Whyte of Pink Cigar). A 30 Second interview taster from the forthcoming live sessions. Please subscribe to our new YouTube for updates.

Impressive and addictive, Pink Cigar are the perfect 21st Century escapism. A mix of New York Dolls glam and anthemic Aerosmith fused with the swagger of early Rolling Stones. They are in the vanguard of Newer Wave breakouts pulsing the underground venues of Broken Britain and set to give 2016 a good seeing to. In the ears. It's no secret that The Zine are fans. They're in our story. "A stadium potential punk band" with a Top 20 European debut album 'We're Gonna Get You Out Of Here'. Get a taster from their new video; Generation Next, and come on in, join the party.

The Stooges are an evident influence. At a Live Music Stream Show (Playhard) a headliner realised they weren't an easy experience to follow exclaiming "it's like having to go on after fucking Iggy Pop!!!". Tell your favourite gig loving friends not to miss Whiplash Jackson (Vocals), Sam Rutland (Bass), Sid Mayall (Drums) and Edd Whyte (Guitar/Backing Vocals) cos it may be a bit Armageddon at times right now, but Pink Cigar are gonna get you out of here!


tour dates

(and click here for

for images of legends galore

(Pink Cigar included!)

Saturday 28th November Sidewalk Café 94 Avenue NYC @sidewalkny

Sunday 29th November Otto's Shrunken Head 538 East 14th street NYC @OttosNYC


Monday 30th November The Saint, Asbury Park,

New Jersey @the_saint_nj

Tuesday 1st December Beast of Bourbon

710 Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn

Friday 4th December Hank's Saloon 46 Third Avenue Brooklyn

5th December – Pink Cigar play the oldest pub in Astoria, Queens; Gussy's on 20-14 29th Street.

Ahh, we had an Astoria in London. You guessed it, our beloved Soho venue was knocked down, so to make up for it, please party hard with our beloved Pink Cigar boys America!

Those are gonna be some really good nights. Hey, is it that time already?

Wishing you a really good night and, 'Blues To Bed'!

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