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Jeremy Corbyn (unassuming) Superstar

Summer 2015 – The United Kharma of truly Great Britain

psst! Deadline to join the Labour Party, and vote for it's next leader, is Wednesday August 12th. Join here for £3 as a supporter to vote in the leadership contest!

"A candidate who could rally the support of young people." (Charlotte Church)

"I think what's important is that somebody changes the conversation and moves us off this small-minded agenda." (Brian Eno) "The genie has come out of the lamp and it's not going back in" (Owen Jones), "What is happening with Jeremy Corbyn is quite something. That people think him “unelectable” is astonishing" (Billy Lunn, The Subways) "Never seen anything like it. The enthusiasm and energy for Jeremy's campaign is incredible" (Ken Livingstone, ex Mayor of London)

"The phenomenal scenes at Jeremy Corbyn rallies around the country - queues around the block, crowds locked outside, teenagers scaling the walls to listen through windows left ajar - prove that, far from the out-of-touch, dinosaur-like relic that his haters would have you believe, he's actually the people's choice, and specifically the YOUNG people's choice. The other candidates must be so baffled. Their whole careers, they thought the key to political success was about being slick and managerial and quietly waiting your turn, not about actually giving people something inspiring to believe in. Democracy can be so beautiful to watch, sometimes." (Simon Price -

In the spirit of Unity/Uniqulture, this is a collage of words by Denis Fernando and Caffy St Luce.

Jeremy Corbyn's campaign has electrified British politics.

Just like the 2014 movie 'Pride' demonstrated, sometimes, a historic moment can seem unnassuming when it is happening. No one could have predicted how Corbyn's nomination has caught the moment, but the seeds, for a better more progressive future, were there.

The feat of #CorbynMania has been to remind us of what it was to be a Labour Party.

2015 fuses all the elements together - baddies, starving, division, fear, hate, mass depression, homelessness, unemployment, , frack frenzy, theft from the poor by the over rich, attacks on education, the arts, our NHS and the venues that feed our economy, well being and cultural heritage.

If the current Labour party thinks it can inspire people who have been disengaged from politics by offering a 'lite' version of this, it has failed to grasp what meaningful opposition is.

Apathy is a massive and formidable enemy.

Its what delivered the SelfServatives a win in the election with only 24% of the voters.

Mid Summer 2015:

“Imagine if all these people, and the many like them, had their views represented inside that building in front of them? Another world is possible “ (Denis Fernando)

Image; the peoples assembly against austerity demo of thousands

addressed by Jeremy Corbyn, Charlotte Church and Russell Brand

The instinctive, every day people, feel that Jeremy Corbyn is something completely different and just what we need. Ironic, then, that (until the last few days) the mass media has railed against him.

In the last year, the press happily built up Nigel Farage as "a man of the people" who is straight talking/drinking, shaking things up in the establishment and with a people's army.

The majority of mass media cannot see that Corbyn is in fact the real deal with none of the scandal and backwards divisiveness that accompanies the well coffered, elite-backed, UKIP. A recent Daily Mirror opinion poll showed Corbyn had 84% of participants saying he can lead.

For many of us who are often defiantly against what British politics stands for, now is a time to be excited.

Even Red Wedge (80s left wing music events) has reformed in support of JC. We recently did a piece on artist, Venice Allen. Talk about capturing imagination! Her #JezWeCan necklaces are flying!

No surprise then, that Jeremy Corbyn has received endorsements from the likes of Charlotte Church and is backed overwhelmingly by young people.

The rallies he has been doing around the country are a testament to the appeal of his strong stance on anti-cuts, anti-racist and anti-war politics.

Packing thousands into a room, the London rally this month addressed 1.500 people, including overflow rooms, and hundreds on the street. Its a measure of his inclusivity, that he addressed those who could not make it in first, atop a fire engine with the banner 'we rescue people not banks'.

People queued for over an hour around the block, past the Jeremy Corbyn t-shirts.

Young people who could not get in, scaled a wall to hear him speak.

Why? because Corbyn is taking a stand against austerity which has failed ordinary people, threatens the public services we cherish and is dividing people.

The reality is Jeremy Corbyn has reached the parts that other politicians cannot reach.

To have him leading the opposition in Parliament will burst the Westminster bubble and make the politics that ordinary people need mainstream.

This makes him a massive threat to those at the top. Its why everyone who supports him needs to get behind him.

(Picture; Denis Fernando and Jeremy Corbyn)

Friday, 7th August. The rant is still on! (Caffy)

We have woken up. If politics was an Olympic Sport, then whatever happens next, Jeremy Corbyn has already won gold in the hearts of many of the population.

Right wing infiltrators of the Labour Party have unleashed more vitriol on him than spent energy being an opposition.

For too long now, politicians have had to actually wear coloured ties so that we can tell them apart. That is how zombie-like we became through the apathy inflicted by corruption and the grandest theft ever (the people robbed and then re-robbed – you couldn't make it up!).

When you live in an Orwellian nightmare with Dickensian overtones you can be forgiven for forgetting what hope and unity actually look and feel like.

You would be mistaken to forget how kind, creative, talented and heroic most of the eccentric folk of these tiny, world-stage islands, really are.

We got so down. The only way is up!

After the last elections, I consoled (hopefully) my fellow plebs a little by pointing out that although a quarter of the voting population were happy to carry on with the horrorism where suicide is just another day at the office, but that this election, was just our 'Empire Strikes Back' chapter.

Yes I am nerdy.

Thank you.

Whose laughing now though?

A Jedi-like gentleman has risen to bring balance back to the galaxy.

The “new Labour” tories are worried that he is inspiring so many people to join the Labour party that they can win the next election (!) - and they call Jeremy Corbyn unelectable!

I am self employed/unemployed in entertainment. Music is one of the UK's biggest exports/treasures.

I was out with a band the other night. They are too skint to even be a band, but we all treated ourselves to some beers at a venue which is actually not under threat of being closed down. (The kind of short sightedness that will rob our biggest festivals of future headliners and thats just for starters). Anyway, I digress. The JezWeCan effect has trickled down to disaffected young millenials who have felt shut out of modern politics, or just not turned on. The most politicised band member had signed up to the Labour Party on the strength of what Jeremy Corbyn had to say. Another wanted to know more and the other band member had got confused between JezWeCan and BezWeCan. Ha ha. The bottom line is that the best hope that the Labour Party has got right now, has got people talking, debating, arguing.

Even the News/Olds media are waking up from their coma, removing their collective tongues from the arse-de-Farage and starting to ask why people are being galvanised by somebody with conscience, courtesy and compassion?

Jeremy Corbyn is so far from perfect, and that's the point. He is only human. We, the evolved, can spot another (r)Evolutionary a mile away though. Media keeps making itself irrelevant to our grim dim dystopian lives.

No to Austerity.

Yes to Posterity.

2015 is a game of two halves and the second one is a game changer.

The emerging, under radar rock n roll escapism in the closing down UK venues, is a great soundtrack for politics becoming the new rock n roll. It makes sense to write about it in TheZineUK, born on that very underground.

I got so excited about all this that I asked my friend, Denis (with Russell Brand), to articulate. He is another inspiration in this vein.

“The reality is Jeremy Corbyn has reached the parts that other politicians cannot reach.” (Denis Fernando - pictured).

As the artist, Red Cable Sunday (recently featured), he is also part of the politicised arts family that are a backbone of social change.

You HAVE to see the film Pride. I was alive in the 80s. Even if you weren't, it's an idea of what a Labour Party, for people that labour, can be like.

There used to be a media phrase; “Loony Left”. It's has been consigned to history because the Lunartic (i.e. affected by the moon. If you're not, being mostly made of water, you are an alien) kept being proved right. Humanity, remains instinctive. The force (Nature) is strong. Even now.

This 21st century "Alienity" is for the soul free, and therefore, machine hearted.

Not all the machines are negative though. Thank goodness for the internet - made for sharing.

Alongside the daily intake of terrorism waged by war lord's puppets, and the horrorism of insanity, many people still practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.

Stay Beautiful. Stay Strong.

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