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From Live Aid to Self Aid in 30 Years

13th July 1985, musicians charitably - if, with hindsight, naively - trying to make a humanitarian difference, long before the cynical "charidee", was coined. Yes, the global Live Aid show made mega stars of stars, but a bigger picture is that is also heightened awareness of suffering. Refugees, starvation, inhumanity - people cared and wanted to do something about it. We had evolved to conscience, courtesy and empathy even in the face of war's effects.

Some people appear to have evolved no further, but rather genetically mutated into aliens with no force of human Nature left in them. Beyond selfish to selfie-ish, with sticks on. There is sufficient land (or we'd fall in the sea), food (or there would be no obesity), clean water, air and affordable shelter/education/health care for all of humanity but the war lord's puppets steal the money, infect our minds with propaganda to divide us and play the hate card like its a daily joker. And there are so many people that fall for it.

Bankers stole, then re-stole money from the people, while puppet politicians/media support them. Refugees (i.e. earthlings seeking refuge) drown off the shores of wealthy nations whose own people starve and commit suicide on a now regular basis. Tax dodging billionaire multi corporations stand by, laughing into their champagne if they give such things a though. Poverty-Mugging ("Austerity" for short), NHS killing and soul destroying. Beyond terrorisim to horrorism.

Shakira Martin and Charlotte Church_edited

Against all odds most real people STILL care.

Pictured: Summer 2015 Shakira Martin the National Union of Students Further Education Officer with Charlotte Church (see recent article about well known artists standing up for people) at the Anti Austerity March, London. Image is courtesty of

The lunatics/aliens have taken over the asylum/planet and with every rebellion the empire strikes back, but you can't stop the power of love, arts, music and romance.

Poetic souls wage peace, hug trees, share and speak out. These treasures are the future of the human race. Ironically not only is there only one race (human) but "racists" come in all shades of skin, backgrounds, faiths and classes.

These blame game divisions are distractive bollocks because when the trees can't clean our oxygene and we can't afford the clean water that we are made of and we have risen against each other in their manufactured civil wars then the spiteful rich still don't have another world to live peacefully on yachts sipping champagne.

Us peasants won't be around to build their toys or make their luxuries. They are fucking their own futures up by waging cruelty on our present. About as selfie-ish as you can get.

Meanwhile, on what feels like another world... LOVE AID is forever and everybody.

At grass roots, in the lowest suffering zones, the highest quality entertainment is being created by Nature's force. In the cheap entry small venues/theatres/galleries, peace breaks out on a regular basis and connects our hearts through arts and war aborts for sports. Keep the LOVE vibes growing, it is a powerful force. Keep partying for peace.

Speaking of which, thank you to the multi talented Red Cable Sunday for the above image by @antiracismday

An original founder of the world's only Music Tourist Board (from which #Uniqulture, The Zine and much more 'Positivity, The Musical' vibes came forth).

Stay tuned to this blog for some news on his next ventures which include performing his cinematic piano pop at the Party For Peace in London on Thursday 23rd July...

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