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A poetic arts rebellion in the UK

No hanging about! After establishing The Zine through 2014. 2015 started with the UK release of the 'Heart Of Bruno Wizard' movie, Bruno himself as an art display in the windows of Selfridges on London's Oxford Street and celebratory gigs at the nearby Scotch of St James in Mayfair and at Number3London ("The Revolution Will Not Be Trivialised") in Deptford.

23rd January 2014 : #Uniqulture 1. ArtBeat situationist road show begins onTin Pan Alley, Soho. Celebrity photographer, David Montgomery accompanied The Zine's Rupert Hitchcox to the show curated and compered by music ed, Dizzy Spell. Also, this month the Music Venue Trust established. A necessity as Arts, NHS and the venues, lifeblood of the UK's thriving entertainment industry are being systematically culled. Video: Fur Cough headlined the first event. New this year an awesome single release 'Digress',

23rd January 2015 : After a dozen Uniqulture events in 2014, we have been on the most amazing journey. Tin Pan Alley and Soho (the BEST and most creative/sexy part of central London) are now under more threat from destroyers (aka "developers") in the right wing rich wrong race to stamp out individuality and individualism from Britain. Our belief in the positivity of self expression is not shaken. Dizzy and Bruno are back on Tin Pan Alley. To Save The Spirit of Soho, it is now necessary to occupy the 12 Bar to raise attention. The Zine TV is born when Dizzy filmed Bruno with Smiley & The Underclass talking about revolution and art. The same night, Caffy (The Zine Events) is along the road in Central London with Heather the Minx. It's our Playhard rock n roll show. Rupert Hitchcox and David Montgomery are in The Phoenix Bar. Our music movements have started something all over again. 2015, with our game raised.

Image: Zak and Sshh of SSHH backstage at Playhard by David Montgomery. Click here to read The Zine's report "Sex n Rum n Rock n Roll' from the event. Playhard will be one of the The Zine Sessions partners at The Great Escape Festival 2015.

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